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eCommerce Marketing
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Marketing Tools
eCommerce Marketing
Health & Sciences Marketing
Marketing Tools
L7 Marketing Machine Assessment
indicates fields that are required.
Your Company Name
First Name
Last Name
We'll send an email to this address with a unique URL so if you need to a take a break, your questionnaire progress will be saves and you can continue at a later time.
Business Review
What business is your company in?
Please provide a brief description (120 words or less).
Give a brief description of your top services and/or products.
Provide a percentage revenue breakdown for each of your services and/or product offerings.
What is the most important thing we should know about your company?
What are your plans to enhance your services or products within the next year? 3 years?
What is your corporate mission or vision statement?
What are the top 3-5 strengths of your company?
What are the weaknesses of your company?
Besides revenue or growth, what opportunities should your organization pursue or embrace over the next 18 months?
From an overall organizational perspective and not considering marketing, what are the goals you must achieve for success over the next 12 months?
What is your projected revenue from sales over the 12 months?
What percentage would you like to see your revenue grow in the next 12 months?
P.E.S.T. Analysis: Future Trends
What political factors will impact your business over the next 3 years?
What economic factors will impact your business over the next 3 years?
What social factors will impact your business over the next 3 years?
What technological factors will impact your business over the next 3 years?
Please provide your vision for your company in the next 3 years.
How will it look? (size, services, revenue, etc.)
List your 3 top competitors.
Competitor #1
Tell us Competitor #1's Name
List competitor #1's strengths.
List competitor #1's weaknesses.
Competitor #2
Tell us Competitor #2's Name
List competitor #2's strengths.
List competitor #2's weaknesses.
Competitor #3
Tell us Competitor #3's Name
List competitor #3's strengths.
List competitor #3's weaknesses.
Marketing & Communications
What are the most critical marketing initiatives your company needs to achieve over the next 6 months? Over the next 18 - 24 months?
If you could create one perception of your company, what would it be? Why?
What differentiates your company from your competitors?
Finish this sentence. New customers and/or clients would choose us if they understood that ___________.
How will new customers/clients become aware of you? Please list all applicable marketing or advertising channels and any thoughts on their value.
What is your Customer lifetime value (CLV)?
The total projected revenue for a single customer during their lifetime
What are the top 3 unique selling points (USPs) of your company?
If you lose a customer/client to a competitor, what are the most common reasons?
What is the most common reason why a customer/client will refer your company to others?
Target Markets
Please describe your primary, secondary and tertiary target markets.
Primary Target
Age Range
Annual Income
Job Title(s)
Relationship Status
Psychographics: In as much detail as possible, describe their interests/lifestyle.
Secondary Target
Age Range
Annual Income
Job Title(s)
Relationship Status
Psychographics: In as much detail as possible, describe their interests/lifestyle.
Tertiary Target
Describe the persona of your tertiary target (gender, education level, annual income, age range, etc.)
Psychographics: In as much detail as possible, describe their interests/lifestyle.
Why should people care about your brand?
What problem do you solve for your customers/clients?
Does your brand have a purpose? Are all employees aware of it?
When new employees are on-boarded, do they receive training on your brand?
What benefits do you provide your customers that your competition cannot meet?
Is everything that you say and claim in your advertising true? If not please explain.
List five adjectives that best describe your company.
Please explain each submission.
What core values and attributes should your brand express?
How do you want your company to be perceived by customers/clients?
How do you want your company to be perceived by employees and job seekers?
Regardless of industry, what 3 brands inspire you most? Why?
If your company were a car brand, what make and model would it be and why?
If your brand were a celebrity, which celebrity would it be and why?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.