November 1, 2022

Eight Strategies to Implement for your Amazon Marketing for 2023


Amazon strategies is an e-commerce powerhouse. For years now it has dominated the online retail shopping space, selling everything from books and clothing to pet supplies and even food items. Some companies make the vast majority of their revenue by selling on Amazon, so it’s become a necessity for countless businesses and marketers.

How do you reach your customers and let them know your product is available? How do you get them to buy? How do you stand out from the competition on Amazon’s robust marketplace?

You need an Amazon marketing strategy, and L7 Creative is here to help you successfully develop and implement that strategy, so you can attract more customers and generate more sales.

Eight Strategies to Implement for your Amazon Marketing for 2023

1. Define Your Target Market and Demographics

It sounds obvious, but it can be easy to jump right into selling a product without thinking enough about who will be interested in your product and how you can reach them. Everything you do should flow from who you are trying to reach. This includes the look of your materials to how you buy advertising.

Without this information, your marketing strategy and tactics can become wasteful, sales will not match your expectations, and you have to start over from scratch.
Your target market could include age, gender, interests, or just about anything else that can be targeted with ads. Write down who your target audience is and refer to it throughout your entire marketing process. You will want to consider not just who will buy your product, but who will specifically buy your product ON Amazon for this to be successful.

2. Develop an SEO Strategy

While some customers might find your product with an external search engine, most will find it by using Amazon’s search bar. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most important things you can do to get potential customers to find your products. When people search for things they want to buy, you want your items to show up in their results.

You can accomplish this by writing good descriptions on your product pages so they will match the terms that people might use to find your product. Amazon’s internal search algorithms will use the words and descriptions on your page to determine if they match the terms that people use when searching. This will include your titles, key features (bullet points), product descriptions, as well as backend keywords.

Write your product descriptions so that they reflect the search terms you expect customers to type into Amazon’s search bar. Make sure the information on your page includes the details that would be important to a potential customer and that it is written naturally. Don’t repeat keywords or stuff your descriptions with them. The more relevant your descriptions are to the customer, the more likely they will convert to a sale, which will in turn improve your ranking in searches.
Regularly search for terms that are relevant to your product and see how you rank. While you need to give Amazon’s search algorithm time to integrate the information on your page, you will want to occasionally make adjustments to improve your ranking. If a new way to describe your category or product comes into use, add it to your descriptions.

3. Get Your Social Media Marketing Up and Running

Social media is an integral part of people’s daily lives and is a great way to reach them, whether they are seeking out information about your product or coming across your content in some other organic way. If done correctly, it can be a low-cost way to find and interact with customers.
Each social media platform reaches a different audience, so this is where your target demographic comes in handy. Choose the platforms that match your target audience.

While it can become time-consuming, the content you post must be high-quality and relevant to your customers. The more relevant your content is, the more likely they are to like, comment, and share it. Best practices include making a content calendar and posting regularly.

You might even consider running paid ads on social media platforms to reach a newer and bigger audience.

4. Pricing Strategy

The price of your product affects your sales conversion rate. That is, out of all the people who searched for your product and clicked through to your page, how many actually made a purchase? This will ultimately affect your search ranking.

Your price must be in line with your competitors since Amazon will likely display your products in the same catalog on the same page as your competitors so its users have options. Regularly research what other Amazon sellers are charging for the same or similar product. While you don’t want to change your price very often, you can use discounts and coupons to stay competitive, specifically for Amazon customers.

5. A Review Strategy Is Key

Reviews for your product are another important way to increase your visibility and sales on Amazon. The more people like your product, the more likely others will make a purchase.
The first thing you can do is make it easy for your customers to leave a review. Include links to your product page on all of your marketing materials and platforms: your website, emails, and your social media profiles and posts. Make some posts that encourage your followers to leave a review.
Another simple tactic is to include a QR code on your package that takes them to your Amazon product page. Include a message requesting they write a review.

Sending follow-up emails is another way to encourage your customers to leave a review. Thank them for their purchase and ask them to leave a review, along with a link to your product page.
Please note that you cannot ask for a positive review. You can only ask that they leave a review. Also, remember that you can’t incentivize reviews. Doing so could get your account suspended.

A lot of negative reviews are the result of customers’ expectations not being met. You can mitigate this by ensuring that your product descriptions and images are complete and accurate. If your product has specific dimensions, be sure to include that information so that customers don’t end up with something that’s not the right size for them.

6. Ensure Your Product Images Are Top Notch

While your title, product description, and key features let customers know about your product and allow for the Amazon search engine to integrate you into searches, you also want to have high-quality images.

This is particularly important if you are shown next to a lot of competitors in the search results. A great pic can make the difference in which product a customer clicks on.
Depending on the kind of product, hi-res images that show off important details may be necessary to convince a customer to buy your product.

Your main product image must be on a plain, white background. However, the additional images (9 total) can show the product in use with different backgrounds, and you can even add text to explain the different parts or other details about how the product is used.

7. Amazon Advertising

It’s no secret that Amazon is essential to e-commerce strategy, as it is currently obtaining 66 thousand orders per hour, and 18.5 orders per second. If your business sells products on Amazon then it is also extremely important that you market your products on the platform itself. There are three main types of ads that you can create on Amazon: sponsored product ads, sponsored brands, and product display ads.

Similar to Google, Amazon Advertising is based on a pay-per-click model. This means that your business will not be charged until a customer clicks on your ad. Essentially, the ad placements are decided in a virtual action in which businesses decide how much they are willing to pay for a click, and the ad that won the auction is given the placement.

Like with any advertising, you must begin by setting a goal, a budget, placements, and keyword optimizations. If you are using product display ads, you will want to ensure that you have high-quality images and if you are focusing on keyword advertising, don’t forget to utilize negative keywords to filter out irrelevant placements of your products. Additionally, it is important to gather positive customer feedback, as many consumers will evaluate your products based on real reviews.

8. Set Up Your Affiliate Marketing

Oftentimes a potential customer will find a list of top-rated products on a blogging site or see a product review on an influencer’s social media page. They will list direct links to Amazon products and receive a portion of any sales. Amazon has enhanced their affiliate marketing offerings to influencers drastically in the last few years with their roll-out of Amazon Storefronts for creators, making it even easier for affiliates to link their favorite products for their audience to shop.

Zippia recently reported that 53% of all Amazon sales come from affiliate marketing. If over half of the sales on the platform are from affiliates, it’s imperative that your brand has influencers as a core pillar of your Amazon marketing strategies. This allows you to reach a bigger audience and build more awareness, in exchange for a small fee paid to the affiliate.

Want to Learn More?

We’ve covered the broad strategies that can boost your visibility and sales on Amazon but we can help you dig even further into getting your Amazon sales to the next level. Learn more about how to implement Amazon marketing strategies to boost sales with L7 Creative when you contact us here!